Microforms are a storage format that uses small images ('microreproductions') of printed documents to store huge amounts of information in a small physical space. With microforms, you can keep thousands of newspapers, journals, theses and other documents in just a few cabinets. Microfilm (film strips or reels) and microfiche (flat sheets or cards) are types of microforms; you need a special reader or printer in order to view them.
Microforms are for in-library use only and may not be checked out.
In Gorgas Library, you will find the microform storage cabinets as well as readers and printers in room 4015.
For microforms stored in the Archival Facility, you can request them item via Document Delivery using these instructions. If you want the microform itself, use the "Doc Delivery - Loan" option. If you want a scan of a single article or document, select "Doc Delivery - Copy."
If you want to search for microforms in the Libraries' collection, add the word 'microform' to your search term(s). Then use the limiters on the left side of the page to narrow your results; selecting Catalog Only will limit the results to items in the UA Libraries collection.
Please ask a staff member at the circulation desk if you need assistance with locating microforms or using the readers.
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